Suite 117, 1063 King Street West
Hamilton ON L8S 4S3

"I have found Tempus to be extremely knowledgeable about the freight industry and highly responsible in the manner in which they have dealt with our membership."

James Preece
Canadian Office Products Association (COPA)

Tempus is a certified Expense Management company.

Q: How does Tempus input the carrier invoices? A: Tempus receives the majority of its billing from the carriers through EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), which means bills get processed fast and on time. For carriers that send paper invoices, they are manually keyed by our personnel. All invoices are then processed on the 15th and 30th of each month, ensuring that the carriers are paid accurately and on-time.

Q: What if I want to use a carrier that is not on the Tempus program? A: No problem. Our system holds thousand of carrier profiles and can process cheques for any carrier you choose to utilize, even if they are not on our program. Just send us their rates and we can load and audit them, just as we do for our program carriers.

Q: How do I know if a particular invoice has been paid and on what cheque number? A: Just use our Customer Login function right on our website and look up any invoice for any carrier, at any time. You will be able to see when it was paid, on what cheque number and on which date.

Q: What if I just want to use Tempus as an Audit only Service? A: As long as we have the rates and invoices you'd like us to audit, we can perform this service and send you the information. Then you can pay the carriers on your own.

Q: How often to the rates changes for the various carriers? What about Fuel Surcharge? Or other miscellaneous charges? A: Generally, carrier contract rates are reviewed on an annual basis. Fuel Surcharge amounts and other miscellaneous charges (Tailgate, Non-packaged, Oversize, Delivery Appointment, to name a few) are updated in our system, as often as they are changed by the various carriers (weekly, monthly, annually).

Q: How do I get a Customer Login and Password so I can look up invoices, create my own reporting and see updates on Fuel Surcharge? A: Contact the Tempus office and we can provide you with everything you need to access the Tempus system!


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